
Latest changes and updates to Indema 🚀

04 September 2023

% Payout for Milestones ID45

Done- Awaiting push to live server on next update.

🔨 Improvement

Add the ability to do a percent milestone cost versus a dollar amount, but still retain both options.

03 September 2023

Time log Editing: Employees ID61

Done- Awaiting push to live server on next update.

🔨 Improvement

Be able to allow employees to edit their timelog entries versus admin having to. Additional permissions would need to be set for this as well for those employees who can and can not do this.

03 September 2023

Hide Pricing Columns in Estimate / Invoices ID59

Done- Awaiting push to live server on next update.

🔨 Improvement

Setting an option to hide the pricing column on estimates and invoices to just show the TOTAL of the invoice or estimate to the client. PDF and estimate/invoice view options.

03 September 2023

Attach more than 1 file to PO's ID38

Done- Awaiting push to live server on next update.

🔨 Improvement

Adding the ability to attach multiple PDF's to a Purchase order.

03 September 2023

Able to send client credentials AFTER the client is created ID18

Done- Awaiting push to live server on next update.

🔨 Improvement

Right now, you have to send credentials at the time of client being added into the system. It would be good and beneficial to be able to auto-send this even after the client is added to the system.

03 September 2023

Auto-update the total if a client declines items from the estimate. ID13

Done- Awaiting push to live server on next update.

🔨 Improvement

At the moment when a client declines an item inside an estimate, it does not automatically deduct that from the total until it converts automatically to an invoice. We'd like the ability for the total to auto-adjust if the client declines a item inside the estimate.

12 August 2023

Completed Contracts ID54

💪 Now available

🔨 Improvement

Currently, as I see it, the only way to tell if a client has signed a contract is if you download the contract. When we assign a contract to a client and sign it there is a notification on the top right of the contract page saying it is signed, however that is just saying we have signed it. Once the client signs it there is no additional visual notification that the client has signed. It would be hugely helpful if on the main contract page there was another column that showed the contract status so that we could quickly glance through all of our contracts and know immediately if there is anything that needs to be addressed.

08 June 2022

Quick update on development for indema ID53

📣 Quick Announcement

🔨 Improvement

Hey designers! We have been a bit quiet on development lately, primarily because we have been working on something relatively huge. More an improvement than a new feature. So, I wanted to outline what we are doing.

We have been making a huge adjustment / improvement to the products page.
Here's everything that we are updating:

  1. There will be no more "scrolling" left and right to see all columns.

  2. We will be adding more columns to the view, to increase the Key points of a product from the existing 31 points to a whopping 40 points.

  3. There will be two tabs at the top that filter the view to two sections. The first being product details that encompass the details of the actual product. The next, being dates and warehouse information as well as pricing information. Switching between the two details allows you to be able to see everyone in one place, versus having to scroll left and right all the time.

  4. A brand new product add page that covers most of the product key points.

  5. New filtering options that allow you to then filter the products from (example), show products with a quote date. Or, show products without a quote date. And the list goes on. We added an incredible 23 filter options which also include enhancing the existing filtering options there already.

  6. STATUS'! You will then also be able to add custom status' to products, and filter by those status'.

  7. FLAGGING! You will also be able to flag a product. In the settings, you will also be able to indicate how frequently you get an email about the flagged items. This can technically be flag for anything, but the intention of it is to allow you to get a email to remind you to follow up with the vendor about these products you are flagging.

And lastly... Auto-approval/auto-decline updates... So, when your client approves an item, it will automatically show you which items are approved/rejected by your client so you don't have to fish for that information or chase it.

Due to the intense changes we are doing to not only the user-interface but also the logic of the platform it's been taking quite a while and pushing most of the features we need to get done on hold or be delayed/pushed back. So, we are terribly sorry for any delays in new features. Once we have this changed, it will be much easier for us to adjust the products page to bring WAY more to your firm pertaining to products.

As always, thank YOU for being the best part of indema. <3

  • Timothy