Features List

New integrations and features are being planned and built from this wish list.
We will look at the number of votes an idea have and prioritize based on that + complexity of the implementation.

When you vote, you will get automatic emails to keep up to date about the progress 😎

  • Streamlining Workroom Communicatins ID95
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    Ok...so this may be a good one. When we do custom fabrication of pillows, bedding, and window treatments, there's all the detailed specs needed to...

  • STARTTLS capability for Email Automation connection ID57
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    Office365 requires STARTTLS as a secure encryption type. Adding STARTTLS as this encryption type will allow office365 to connect using SMTP for...

  • Sourcing library ID62
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    I would like to save product into a sourcing library. This can be done by have a project called sourcing library and then under the product section,...

  • Purchase Order Updates ID70
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    We would love to include some purchase order udpates. Please comment below what you would like to see change. ...

  • Client Reports ID72
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    Ability to create a report of what client has paid and what is still owed with ability to change date range, use tags (to differentiate between rooms...

  • Bulk Editing ID92
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    I used to work on a program where I can select a few items and make a "bulk edit". Such as, if I am open to a task, I want to be able to...

  • Activity by client ID114
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    We would love to see all activity that has taken place with and by our clients:...

  • Customized email for welcoming client to portal ID131
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    We would like to welcome clients to the portal in our own way, with our own messaging - including the link to the video that shows them how to use the...

  • Project links ID132
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    The notes in a project is a great feature, and the software we used previously also had a links section our project dashboards that we used...

  • Contractor login/access ID136
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    We find it very helpful when we can provide our contractors with information from start to finish through the design process. Allowing them the...

  • Quick move from project to project ID141
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    Nothing urgent, but it would be a very user-friendly thing if the title when on the project page (the project name at the top) was a drop-down menu...

  • Taxes and Hyperlinks ID71
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    Hi, there the following are things we would like to request to be considered as features for the workspace on Indema....

  • Organize Est. and Inv. by location code ID111
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    It would be helpful for clients if we could organize the estimates and invoices by location, and then on the client side they can see a collapsable...

  • Ability to customize Estimates, invoices and PO's ID138
    🎉 Feature

    👍 Gathering votes

    We'd like the ability to customize the invoices, estimates and PO's to fit our brand and adjust whether or not to have a logo/company info.