January 1, 2023 Plan Re-structure

💪 Now available

Hello everyone! It's almost the holidays, and i'm sure you all are going to be super busy!

For the past year, we have been analyzing our plan structure and discovered that a few firms would be utilizing the hub plan, but still only have 1 user. Similarly we have seen instances where because we offer 3 plans with everything inclusive of it, it sometimes caused confusion on what plan design firms should choose.

At the same flip of the coin, we also looked at our pricing structure and how indema has been (and still is/will be) the most affordable. Though, we have also felt that with all of the features we offer and are coming out with come January, we also had made the decision to do a pricing re-structure as well.

On January 1, 2023 we will be converting to a 1 plan product. A single plan is much easier to manage for firms and they dont have to worry about upgrading or downgrading.

We will also be aligning this with our single-user plan, where we bill at a per user per month structure, at the $35 rate aligning it with our single plan.

Systematically nothing will change.

One more order of business pertaining to this as well which I think is important to outline. We will not be able to grandfather current users in this new structure. We will be making the necessary adjustments automatically come January 1st , and you will be automatically added to the new plan, and all data will also transfer pertaining to the amount of users you already have in the system.

Any lifetime deal users are not impacted by this change, and any users on our original pricing structure from day 1, will also not be impacted by this change.

Please also note: Any annual user due to renew within the first quarter of the new change, will be adjusted to the first 3 days of the previous month with a credit with the exception of January month renewals. This is due to the fact that with legacy users, we will have to manually convert the accounts over. With efficiency in mind, we are manually converting the accounts internally. This means that your renewal date will be 1 month prior to the normal date. With this process, you will be issued a 1 month credit to the account to compensate for the month's difference. If you are wishing to cancel your account, you must advise our team 30 days prior to your normal renewal date. Please set a reminder if you wish to explore this! (with this notice being 4 months from the date of the system change). If you have any specific questions about this please do let us know ASAP. Please review the terms of use pertaining to account termination by visiting this link: https://indema.co/terms-of-use-agreement/ .

Please do ping me or the team directly if you have any questions or concerns! Timothy@indema.co.

Thank you for your attention to this!
Take care, and have an amazing holiday!

Team indema

1 year ago

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Team indema changed status to 💪 Now available

1 year ago